Terms and Conditions

Terms of Service  


US Persons may not, at any time, use cryptocurrencies for the exchange of, swapping of, or use of any of the CEEK services. All CEEK services (regardless of which company has provided them) does NOT accept cryptocurrency from any US Persons. US Persons may not engage with, interact with, hold, use, swap, speculate, or otherwise own any CEEK tokens. All CEEK services are open to US Persons (Except the Cryptographic/Crypto Token) for fiat payments only. All payments are subject to refund policies. 

Additionally, any US Person hereby waves their right to be part of, bring, or otherwise engage in any Class Action Lawsuits. US Persons may only bring action on an individual basis subject to these terms. Furthermore, any US Person hereby warrants and undertakes that they wave any claim or right to claim under the principal of 'alter ego doctorine'. Each CEEK company or entity that uses the CEEK branding is independently operated and owned. CEEK takes proactive steps to ensure that there is clear division of ownership and business operations. You warrant and undertake that you do not believe you are engaging with any US Based Entity or US Based Nexus by dealing with CEEK. IF AT ANY TIME YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE ENGAGING WITH ANY US ENTITY YOU MUST STOP USING, ENGAGING WITH, OR OTHERWISE PARTICIPATING WITH CEEK.



Welcome to CEEK VR INC! We are a developer of virtual reality experiences streamed to mobile VR devices and other console, desktop virtual reality devices (“CEEK VR ready devices”).
These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, “ CEEK VR INC service,” “our service” or “the service” means the service provided by CEEK VR SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE for discovering and experiencing virtual reality, including all features and functionalities, website, and user interfaces, as well as all content and software associated with our service.


Using the Software

As long as you comply with these Terms, you have the right to use the Software for your own personal noncommercial use. This license is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the Software, in the manner permitted by these Terms. 
When you download our Software from Google Play or other app store or distribution platform you acknowledge and agree that you must also comply with all applicable third party terms of service when using our software or applications.


Unauthorized Activities 

You may NOT copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of the Software (including any content in the Software), nor may you decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code of the Software, unless laws prohibit those restrictions or you have our written permission. 
You may NOT make any Software (including any content in the Software) available on any internet site, network or file-sharing service; use the Software for any commercial purpose or for the benefit of any third party or in any manner not by these Terms
We reserve the right to investigate and prosecute violations of any of the above and involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting anyone who violates these Terms.


Third Party Devices 

Our Software is designed to provide additional functionality with certain third party virtual reality devices (“Devices”). You should carefully review the terms and conditions, health warnings and all setup and operating instructions for such Devices. We’re not responsible or liable in any way for any personal injury, property damage, or any other issue you may have resulting from your use of a Device.


Privacy Policy 

Personally identifying information is subject to our Privacy Policy, the terms of which are incorporated herein. Please review our Privacy Policy to understand our practices. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information on how we collect, use and disclose information from our users.



Our Software is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of the United States and foreign countries. Except as expressly provided in these Terms, we (or our licensors) exclusively own all right, title and interest in and to the Software, including all associated intellectual property rights. You may not remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the Software. If you provide any suggestions, ideas, feedback, or recommendations to us regarding our Software (“Feedback”), you give us a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, fully-paid and royalty-free license to use and exploit that Feedback for any purpose and without any obligation to you.




NFT Purchase and Use Agreement - v1.33

March 2022

Section 1: Introduction

These terms are made between CGI (herein after ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘the company’) a Corporation based in The Republic of Panama and You (herein after ‘you’ or ‘ yours’) collectively both groups shall be referred to as ‘the parties’

In entering into this Agreement (the NFT Terms) you are hereby certifying that you are of legal age (over the age of 18) and mental capacity to enter into such an agreement.

Section 2: Preliminary Terms, Purchase, and Risk

The term Non-Fungible Token ‘NFT' shall mean any of the official NFT’s as issued, created, or administered by us. Including, bt not limited to those for land, objects, items or other NFT’s.

You shall mean you as a natural person, corporation, partnership or other legal entity.


You may not purchase or own NFT’s if you are not of legal age, or reside in a country which is subject to sanctions or financial/transaction restrictions due to war, conflict, or as featuring on a NATO, EU, US, or other Sanction List.


All NFTs purchased or procured by you are subject to these NFT Terms, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing between the parties and by purchasing or using any NFT you are agreeing to be bound by these NFT Terms.


The use of any NFTs is subject to, without limitation our Website Terms and our Privacy Policy and any ancillary document relating to the Licence referred to in these Terms.

Termination of these NFT Terms for any reason will not affect any obligations which have arisen prior to termination.

We, from time to time, will sell NFT’s which may be stand-alone or as part of a bundle of other digital goods.


Orders or bids placed for NFTs are non-refundable, cannot be cancelled for change of mind, require payment in full of the Purchase Price at the time of purchase and may require that you connect or provide a Digital Wallet for delivery of the NFT at the time of sale.


All purchase, orders, or bids are final and legally binding. Payment will be required either at the time of purchase or within the allotted time thereafter. Failure to pay after successfully purchasing, ordering, or bidding on an NFT will result in an interest rate of 11% per day until payment is received in full by us.

Certain transactions using Blockchain technology may involve a transaction fee. We are not liable for any of those fees.



If you engage in a secondary sale of your NFT to another purchaser, that transaction may involve third party platforms or Blockchain digital wallets which are not associated with us, and may be subject to transaction fees charged by that network. Should any transfer be conducted using a marketplace we provide, then fees and charges may apply to those transactions payable to us at the time of the transaction.


You must make payment in full in any nominated Digital Currency or via any other nominated payment method as a pre-condition to any purchase of an NFT.

In the case of a primary sale, we will have no obligation to transfer any NFT to you until we have received the Purchase Price in full for any NFT. If you make payment to our Digital Wallet, you must ensure your transfer is made to the correct wallet address. No liability will be held by us for any funds you transfer to the wrong wallet address.


In the event that any payment is reversed or becomes invalid, including via either a double spend attack or recall or refund request by a payment processor, you agree to immediately return to us any NFTs the subject of a sale where the Purchase Price has no longer been retained in full by us.


Risk and title in any NFT purchase transfers to you upon purchase of the NFT and you are responsible for ensuring your Digital Wallet is accurately linked. If you lose your private key or login or seed phrase for your Digital Wallet you will lose access to your NFTs stored in your Digital Wallet.


Where the Purchase Price has been paid in a Digital Currency and you are entitled to a refund for any reason, you agree the refund is to be made in the same form of Digital Currency used in the initial transaction, or at our option in United States Dollars equivalent to the value of the Digital Currency used in the initial transaction on the date the Purchase Price was paid.

Refunds may only be given at our sole discretion and can only be processed in extreme situations. All sales are final.

Section 3: License

We grant, to the party who Owns an NFT we have issued for the time that party Owns the NFT (Term), a licence in respect of the Art associated with the NFT purchase (Licence) subject always to these NFT Terms in force at the date of sale or transfer together with any other terms and conditions which may apply to the NFT.

The Licence is assignable, transferrable and revocable on the terms of these NFT Terms, and is for your personal, non-commercial, royalty free use of the NFT (including to sell or transfer on a Marketplace) and to display and enjoy the Art associated with the NFT anywhere in the world while you Own the NFT.

Upon your sale of any NFT you Own, the Licence transfers to the purchaser who then Owns the NFT and the ownership of that NFT will be subject to the Licence and these NFT Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, the transfer of the Licence does not constitute a commercial use for the purposes of clause


With immediate effect upon your sale of the NFT you Own, your rights under the Licence shall cease to apply and will no longer be in force and effect. You will no longer be entitled to use the Art (or any reproductions of the Art) upon sale by you of the NFT.


Except as expressly stated in these NFT Terms, nothing in these NFT Terms are intended to, or shall operate to, give you ownership of any Intellectual Property Rights in, or other rights in respect of the Intellectual Property associated with CGI, or any of the brand affiliated or associated with us or those individuals


There is no transfer of title or ownership of any Intellectual Property or any Intellectual Property rights upon the sale of the NFT under these NFT Terms.


We may revoke any and all licenses at any time for NFT ownership if it becomes apparent that such a revocation is necessary by operation of law, protection of


intellectual property, or court order.


The NFT may not be used in any way which would:

For the avoidance of any doubt:

(a) the restrictions on the Licence survive termination or assignment transfer of the Licence; and (b) the Licence granted under this clause is limited to the time you Own the NFT and upon your sale of the NFT to another party the Licence is assigned to the purchaser of the NFT and your rights under the Licence cease to have any effect, and you must draw to the other party’s attention the contents of these NFT Terms prior to your sale of the NFT;

(c) the sale of your NFT does not constitute a “commercial use” of your NFT for the purposes of these NFT Terms.Section 3: License



Section 4: Termination

These NFT Terms and the Licence may be terminated with immediate effect:

Section 5: Undertakings

You hereby acknowledge, agree, and undertake the following:


Section 6: Warranties


We represent and warrant that:

-offered for sale; and


Section 7: Your Warranties


You warrant and assure us that in acquiring an NFT (from us or from a third party or existing NFT holder):

terms and effect of these NFT Terms.


You represent and warrant to us that each of the Purchaser Warranties is true and accurate, and not misleading or deceptive as at the date of these NFT Terms and, except as expressly stated, will be true, accurate and not misleading or deceptive each time an NFT or NFTs are provided to you.

You warrant and Undertake that you do not consider NFTs as a Finacial instrument or an investment opportunity. You should not purchase, own, or hold NFT’s if you believe that the constitute a financial opportunity or you are acquiring them with an aim to speculate or make profit from them.


The NFT’s issued by us are NOT financial instruments. They are NOT an investment. They are NOT designed as such and should not be treated as such. They are deigned to encompass membership to a group ONLY.Section 7: Your Warranties


Section 8: Notification


You must disclose to us anything that has or will constitute a material breach of a Purchaser’s Warranty or cause a Purchaser’s Warranty to be untrue or inaccurate, as soon as practicable after you become aware of it.


Section 9: Mutual Warranties


Each party warrants and assures the other party that:


Section 10: Indemnity 

connected with, any breach of these NFT Terms, other than a breach of a Purchaser Warranty, or any breach of all applicable laws, reduced to the extent of the Loss in respect of the Claim was caused by the negligent act or omission of us or our Personnel.


Section 11: Limitation of Liability


In the absence of a material breach of these NFT Terms by us or the gross negligence, fraud or wilful misconduct by us when providing NFTs to you under these NFT Terms, we will not be liable to you on account of anything done, omitted or suffered by us acting in good faith when providing NFTs to you pursuant to these NFT Terms, including in respect of a Force Majeure Event.


We will not be liable for the performance, errors or omissions of unaffiliated, nationally or regionally recognised third parties or decentralised networks such as, by way of example and not limitation: blockchain networks (whether private/ permissioned or public) courier companies, national postal services and other delivery, telecommunications and other companies not under our reasonable control, and third parties not under our reasonable control providing services to the blockchain industry generally, such as, by way of example and not limitation, companies and other entities providing processing and payment or transaction services (including “Layer 2” or similar “roll-up” or optimisation services), banking partners, custody services, market making services and/or third party pricing services and decentralised blockchain networks such as, by way of example and not limitation, the blockchain(s) upon which any NFT depends or forks of those blockchain(s).


Section 12: Compliance with laws


Section 13: No Liability for losses


Neither party will be liable to the other for any Loss or Claim in the nature of consequential or indirect loss, including without limitation loss of profits, loss of chance, loss of expectations, or loss or opportunity.


Our total liability to you under any circumstances is limited to the amount for which an NFT was originally sold by us to you and we shall not be liable for any amount above that sum.


Section 14: Tax


The Purchase Price for any transaction will be considered to be inclusive of any applicable Sales Tax.


If any additional Sales Tax is applicable by virtue of any law under Your Jurisdiction, you agree to pay such amount as is payable on behalf of us, and inform us of that payment forthwith.


Any reference to a cost or expense incurred by a party in these NFT Terms excludes any amount of Sales Tax forming part of the relevant cost or expense when incurred by the party for which the party can claim an input tax credit.


Each party is solely responsible for any taxation which arises as a result of dealing in the NFTs, including capital gains or income tax and no party shall have a Claim for any Loss against the other in respect of any taxation amounts how so ever arising.


No tax documents will be provided to you as a purchaser or user of the NFT’s.


Section 15: Notices


Unless a provision of these NFT Terms expressly state otherwise, a notice, consent, approval, waiver or other communication (notice) in connection with these NFT Terms must be in writing and in English and sent to, in the case of us, our nominated email, of in the case of you, to your nominated email or published on the Website with public access to such notice.


Any notice will be deemed to be received within 24 hours of sending the electronic message (unless a rejection message is received) or publication online.


Section 16: Disputes




Any disputes shall be managed by Arbitration and shall be held in the London Court of International Arbitration (LICA). The matter shall be managed in English applying the laws of England and Wales in so much as they are applicable.

The Arbitration shall be held in English with either one or three Arbitrators being appointed by the parties in accordance with the rules.


You hereby are deemed to have waived your right to a court hearing and any and all disputes shall be managed in accordance with LICA rules and by the LICA.

Class action lawsuits do not exist under the laws of England and Wales. Aside of that, you are deemed to have waived any right to a class action law suit, as either a head, part, or group of a class of individual(s) bringing such an action.


All costs, including ours, of Arbitration shall be born and covered by you. This includes in the event that we are found to be a ‘wrongful’ party in so much as the Arbitrator rules against our position.


Each party must keep confidential, all information relating to the subject matter of a dispute, unless that party is compelled by a regulatory or government authority, court or tribunal to disclose that information.


Section 17: Non-Disparagement and Brand Reputation


You hereby expressly agree and undertake that you shall do nothing to damage the reputation of CGI including its affiliates, associates, brand ambassadors, directors, or shareholders. Including statements which you may or may not believe to be true. Including, but not limited to statements about the performance of the NFT, the nature of the club, or any of the prior or current business dealings of CGI including its affiliates, associates, brand ambassadors, directors, or shareholders.


As such, you shall not do anything to bring the brand into disrepute including its advisors, ambassadors, consultants, or other users of CGI. If you are found to have acted in a way which brings the CGI, its brand ambassadors, other NFT


holders, the NFT(s), or any affiliated or connected brand with any of these persons or parties, we hereby expressly reserve the right, to ‘blacklist’ or otherwise ‘terminate’ your NFT and may take steps to ensure that your NFT becomes unmerchantable and unusable or otherwise technologically removed from the NFT structure of our NFT’s.


Such steps will be taken without compensation, damages, or other claims of loss by you. Any and all licenses associated with any NFT’s you hold shall be revoked.


Section 18: Amendment


We reserve the right to amend these NFT Terms from time to time in our absolute discretion. Amendments will be effective as soon as such changes are notified to you in writing from time to time.


Section 19: Survival and Prevailing


Where there is inconsistency between these NFT Terms and other content displayed as part of the OG Platform concerning the sale of NFTs, the content of these NFT Terms will prevail to the extent of any inconsistency.


Section 20: Force Majure


We will not be liable for any delay or failure to perform our obligations under these NFT Terms if such delay is due to any circumstances beyond our reasonable control (including but not limited to epidemics, pandemics, blockchain congestion or attacks, Government sanctions or orders, whether known or unknown at the time the parties enter into these NFT Terms) (Force Majeure Event).


Section 21: Waiver


A provision of these NFT Terms or a right created under it may not be waived except in writing signed by the party granting the waiver.


Section 22: Exercise of right


A party may exercise a right at its discretion and separately or together with another right. If a party exercises a single right or only partially exercises a right, then that party may still exercise that right or any other right later. If a party fails to exercise a right or delays in exercising a right, then that party may still exercise that right later


Section 23: No Merger


The rights and obligations of the parties (including under the warranties) will not merge on completion of any transaction under these NFT Terms. They will survive the execution and delivery of any assignment or other document entered into for the purpose of implementing any transaction


Section 24: Assignment


These NFT Terms are for the benefit of the parties and their successors and assigns. The parties and their successors and assigns are bound by these NFT Terms.

To the extent that any party purchases an NFT from you, they are deemed to have taken an assignment of these NFT Terms as published at the time of the purchase and you must provide that party with a link or copy of these NFT Terms.

We may assign our rights under these NFT Terms without your consent, including at any time.


Section 25: Severance


If any provision of these NFT Terms are void, voidable, unenforceable, illegal, prohibited or otherwise invalid in a jurisdiction, in that jurisdiction the provision must be read down to the extent it can be to save it but if it cannot be saved by reading it down, words must be severed from the provision to the extent they can be to save it but if that also fails to save it the whole provision must be severed. That will not invalidate the remaining provisions of these NFT Terms nor affect the validity or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction where it is not invalid.


Section 26: Whole Agreement


These NFT Terms constitute the entire agreement of the parties in respect of the subject matter of these NFT Terms and supersedes all prior discussions, representations, undertakings and agreements.

None of our agents or representatives are authorised to make any representations, conditions or agreements not expressed by us in writing nor are we bound by any such statements.

Each party must, at its own expense, do everything reasonably necessary to give effect to these NFTs Terms and the transactions contemplated by it, including but not limited to the execution of documents.


Section 27: Relationship


Nothing in these NFT Terms constitutes the parties as partners or agents of the other and no party has any authority to bind the other legally or equitably save as expressly stated in these NFT Terms.


Section 28: Costs


Each party must pay its own fees, costs and expenses incurred by it incident to or in connection with the negotiation, preparation, execution, delivery and completion of these NFT Terms and the transactions contemplated by these NFT Terms including without limitation its own legal, accounting and corporate advisory fees.


Section 29: Jurisdiction


These terms shall be governed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any and all rights are reserved by the Panamanian company. 

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