
FRANKIE Exclusive Interview With CEEK VR!

The rise of streaming platforms has created incredible opportunities for artists working in a number of genres, as it allows them to get their music out to the masses in a way that most acts in their respective fields could only do previously if they had a major label budget behind them.

One such genre is pop, which has been flooded with new talent in the past several years, many of whom might not have been heard without sites like Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube. One name who is rising the ranks quickly is FRANKIE, who has established herself as one of the most exciting new faces of pop music. Is she a superstar yet? No. Will she be? Anything is possible, certainly so when it comes to someone with as many bops as she has.

In 2018 you released a handful of new songs--are they all set to be featured on a new project?

Yes! "When I'm Ready" and "You Decided" will be on my new EP, STA7GES, which will be out in February. These two songs represent the denial stage and the acceptance stage I went through during my breakup. "Ghost" was a fun collaboration I did with one of my best friends, Scott Hoying, about dating in 2018, but that won't be on the EP. We had the best time working on that song and video...he's a gem.


Your new EP STA7GES has an odd title--tell me about what it means?

STA7GES is about the 7 stages of grief I experienced during a tough breakup I had a year ago. The collection represents the seven stages of grief – shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing and acceptance. I didn't realize what I had experienced and how far I had come until I heard all of the songs back and could clearly see the arch in song form. Hopefully this EP can help anyone who has or is experiencing a breakup and can empower people to love again.


You were featured on a playlist Taylor Swift compiled not too long ago. How did that affect your career?

Still can't believe that happened...that was definitely a highlight of my career. She helped me reach a broader audience and gain some amazing fans. I met her last year for the first time and she told me how much she liked my touched me so much. Honestly one of the best moments of my life. I've been a fan of hers since I was a teenager and she's one of my idols, so for her to approve of my music made me feel so validated and encouraged me to keep going.


Your music sounds so old-school '90s, but at the same time, it feels new. Where do you get your inspiration and how do you pull this off with your tunes?

Oh wow thank you, I love that! It's funny because I grew up listening to a bunch of ‘70s music from my parents. I idolized Stevie Nicks, so the songwriter blood was in me at an early age. However, I was also a child of the ‘90s and grew up with amazing pop music from the Spice Girls, Britney Spears, etc,. so I also had this unapologetic love for in-your-face pop. I feel like my music combines these two loves and adds my modern take on it all. I write everything from my experiences in life and then I top if all off with a little bit of sparkle.


Who are you loving in pop music right now?

I obviously will always love Taylor Swift... I listen to the radio, but honestly I don't like to listen to too much pop music because I don't want to be influenced by someone else's sound. I want to stay creative and fresh and don't want to compare myself to others, so a lot of the time I listen to alternative music and different genres and eras.


What does 2019 have in store for you?

My EP, which I’m so excited about, and new music videos, which I'm stoked about as well. Shows, and hopefully a U.S. tour! I'm really excited to get these songs off my chest and put something out into the world that hopefully helps heal others as it did for me.

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