Comic Con
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Comic Con
San Diego Comic-Con - Black Widow Upclose
Dressed as Black widow at Comic Con in San Diego, she shares her experience of the comic world so far. She tells us Comic-Con means everything to her and that its been a big part of her life for as far as she can remember.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
San Diego
Black Widow
Comic Con
San Diego Comic-Con - Toy Designer Upclose
Welcome to Comic Con in San Diego where CEEK speaks to some Cosplayers .Enjoy this Upclose with art and toy designer who shares her experience of seeing other arts and toy designers as well as networking within the comic community.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
San Diego
Toy Tester
Comic Con
Dumbledore Upclose
Harry Porter character Dumbledore (Cosplay) joins us at the CEEK booth at Comic Con in San Diego. We find out the inspiration behind his outfits and his experiences so far.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
comic con
san Diego
Comic Con
Sain Diego Comic - Con
Welcome to Comic Con in San Diego where CEEK speaks to some Cosplayers. We find out the inspiration behind outfits and the individual Comic Con experiences so far.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
san diego
comic con
Comic Con
Lois Lane Cosplay
Lois Lane reacts to virtual reality at Comic Con in San Diego. The VR experience gives her a 360 view of her surroundings.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
louis lane
comic con
san Diego
Comic Con
San Diego Comic-Con
Welcome to Comic Con in San Diego where CEEK speaks to some Cosplayers. We find out the inspiration behind outfits and the individual Comic Con experiences so far.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
Comic Con
San Diego
Comic Con
San Diego Comic-Con
Watch as CEEK visits San Diego Comic Con, at the San Diego Convention Center. This year had some really great costumes and creativity. Cosplaying as the Bone Mask Lady, she tells us Comic Con is incredible and being here is a great experience.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
San Diego
Comic Con
Comic Con
Ashely Riot Upclose
Watch as Ashley gives her thoughts on her Comic Con experience so far in San Diego. Ashley is a comic artist and a comic player and spends her time writing and illustrating comics. She shares with us that Comic Con is awesome and a great place to see other arts and network within the comic community.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
Comic con
San diego
Ashley Riot
Comic Con
Thor vs Thanos Cosplay
Welcome to Comic Con where CEEK speaks to some Cosplayers . Cosplaying as Thor vs Thanos, the pair share their experiences and inspiration behind their outfits.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
Red Carpet
Thor vs. Thanos
comic con
Comic Con
Disney Princess Comic Con Cosplay
Watch Disney Princesses experience VR at Comic Con. The CEEK VR Headset transforms their surroundings giving them a 360 view at Comic Con.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
comic con cosplay
comic con
Disney Princess
Comic Con
Black Panther - Red Carpet
CEEK was at the Comic-Con International in San Diego to meet with major movie studios, game developers, television shows, collectable companies and, of course, Ceekers. Watch as Batman shares his Comic Con experience and how he made his way to Comic Con in San Diego! He also experiences virtual reality with the CEEK VR Headset. Comic-Con began in 1970 when a group of comic, movie, and science fiction fans got together to put on the 1st comic book convention. Previously known as a one-day “minicon,” it was called San Diego's Golden State Comic-Minicon, and the intention of this single-day event was to raise funds to generate interest for a larger convention.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
Black Panther
Comic con
San diego
Comic Con
Star Trek Victorian Lady - Red Carpet
Welcome to Comic Con in San Diego where CEEK speaks to some Cosplayers. We find out the inspiration behind outfits and the individual Comic Con experiences so far. CEEK VR was at the Comic-Con International in San Diego to meet with major movie studios, game developers, television shows, collectable companies and, of course, Ceekers. Comic-Con began in 1970 when a group of comic, movie, and science fiction fans got together to put on the 1st comic book convention. Previously known as a one-day “minicon,” it was called San Diego's Golden State Comic-Minicon, and the intention of this single-day event was to raise funds to generate interest for a larger convention.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
Comic Con
Victorian Cosplay
Comic Con
Black widow
CEEK VR was at the Comic-Con International in San Diego to meet with major movie studios, game developers, television shows, collectable companies and, of course, Ceekers.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
comic con
black widow
San diago
Comic Con
Cosplay - Dracula
CEEK VR was at Comic Con International to meet with major movie studios, game developers, television shows, collectables companies and Ceekers. Comic Con began in 1970 when a group of comics, movie, and science fiction fans got together to put on the 1st comic book convention. It was a one-day “minicon,” called San Diego’s Golden State Comic-Minicon, the intention of this single-day event was to raise funds and generate interest for a larger convention. The success of the minicon led to what has come to stay with over 200,000 attendees every year.
Thu, Jan 1, 12:00 AM
Red Carpet
comic con