Personal Data

 Personal Data 



  • 1. What data the app is collecting about the users
  • The application collects the following data: username, email, password, gender, date of birth. This data is stored on the CEEK servers in encrypted form.
  • 2. How we are processing the data
  • a. Username: To display the name in the application account.
  • b. Email: To register, confirm registration, log in and to recover the password. To receive the updates and news.
  • c. Password: To register application. And also for password recovery. To protect the user's account.
  • d. Gender: To create an avatar and a default avatar. So that the 3D model of the character in the application corresponds to the user's gender.
  • e. Date of birth: To create an avatar and a default avatar. So that the 3D model of the character in the application corresponds to the age of the user. For an adult user, a 3D model of an adult will be used. For a teenage user, a 3D model of a teenager will be used. In addition, the age is needed for filtering video clips. One more important usage is the age restrictions, some content is restricted to 13+, 16+ and 18+ audience.
  • f. Avatar: To represent the user in the app with the personal avatar, to distinguish the users from each other.
  • The purpose of the app processing that data
  •      The website provides the exclusive video content in VR and 2D format, some videos are age restricted and require the user date of birth.
  • How users may request deletion of that data
  •      To delete your account completely and remove all personal information from CEEK servers and databases, kindly contact or via the support page on website using the email associated with your account. Deleting or uninstalling the mobile iOS or Android app won’t delete user data from the CEEK servers.

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